The Paleo Recipe Book

Friday, July 15, 2011

Indian Dessert Recipe - Fluted Biscuit Cases With Two Ice-Creams

Fluted Biscuit Cases With Two Ice-Creams

Ingredients :

90 g unsalted butter
60 g castor sugar
¾ cup flour
2 egg whites
few drops of vanilla essence
any two flavours ice cream

Method :

Line two baking trays with non-stick paper. 
Mark 13 cm circle on each tray.
Cream butter and sugar until smooth and pale. 
Sift flour and whisk egg whites until stiff but not dry. 
Fold flour and beaten whites alternately into creamed mixture.
Flavour with vanilla essence.
Place a spoonful of the mixture in the centre of each circle.
Spread thinly to cover circle, using a large metal spatula.
Bake two at a time in a preheated hot oven, 200ºC for 10-12 minutes.
The biscuits should be pale with the eggs tinged a deeper gold.
Remove from oven one at a time and gently separate the biscuit from the paper.
Mould over a small fluted mould. Leave until set and crisp.
At serving time, place a spoon ful of each ice cream in biscuit cases.

Source : Recipes Indian