The Paleo Recipe Book

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Indian Yogurt Dishes - Yoghurt Flavoured with Garlic and Cummin

The combination of garlic and cummin flavours is quite unusual in a yoghurt dish, but the wonderful taste of this preparation only serves to illustrate the wide variety of ingredients that can be successfully added to yoghurt.

Serves four.
Preparation time: 4-5 minutes.

Ingredients :

1 pint (570ml) plain yoghurt
1 teaspoon salt
1 small clove garlic
½-1 green chilli finely chopped
1 teaspoon whole cummin
2 teaspoons finely chopped onion
Pinch turmeric

Method :

1. Put the yoghurt and salt into a bowl and beat with a fork until smooth and creamy.
2. Crush the garlic using a garlic press or chop very finely.
3. Add yoghurt together with the remaining ingredients and mix.
4. Serve immediately or keep in the refrigerator until required.