The Paleo Recipe Book

Monday, June 12, 2006

Indian Drink Recipe - Ripe Mango Squash

Ripe mango squash - A Delicious Mango Drink
Preparation Time : 1\2 hour
Cooking Time : 1\2 hour
Serves / Makes : 2 bottels
Ingredients :
Ripe scented good mango pulp - 1kg
Sugar - 1kg
Citric acid - 2tb sp
Sodium Benzoit - 1tip of tsp
Water - 2 cups
Method :
1.   Mix all the pulp, sugar, citric acid.
2.   Add 2 cups of water and boil.
3.   Make sure that it gets sticky, but thread should not get formed.
4.   Remove from fire.
5.   Mix diluted sodium benzoit in hot syrup.
6.   Bottle the hot boiling syrup in a bottle.
7.   Cap immediately, leaving 2" vacant space in bottle.
Source : User Contributed Recipe from Tarla Dalal.